Install teams on vdi - install teams on vdi.MST to install Microsoft Teams MSI (VDI) to regular Windows 10

Install teams on vdi - install teams on vdi.MST to install Microsoft Teams MSI (VDI) to regular Windows 10

Looking for:

Microsoft Teams on Azure Virtual Desktop - Azure | Microsoft Docs - How does Microsoft Teams MSI for VDI work 


Microsoft Teams on VDI gets more features for calls and meetings - Microsoft Tech Community.Teams for Virtualized Desktop Infrastructure - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Docs


This is not the way how to run Teams on Horizon. I get this question a lot. Looks like the marketing department of Citrix invested a lot of effort to spread the word that VMware Horizon is not certified by Microsoft to run Teams.

Is that really so? Something we did for a long time for Skype for Business. As companies are shifting to Teams we are shifting as well. The truth is VMware solution is not yet certified but does it really matter? Teams is application as any other — it will run on Horizon virtual desktop.

What you need to do is run a machine-wide installer, which will install Teams normally to Program Files folder. How to do it is fairly simple described in Microsoft documentation.

Download the MSI installer and run this silent installation command:. Since the Horizon client 5. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. May 12, by Michal Minarik 1 Comment. Will Teams run on Horizon? Thx nice one! Need to get the same fluidity soooon! Cancel Reply.

Name required. Mail required. Unified Access Gateway — Password resets. Multicast DNS and.



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